Educational Psychology
This treatment has a broad approach to the different processes linked to learning and their relationship with cognitive functions. The essence of the treatment is to develop skills that allow them to overcome difficulties and face school demands with more self-confidence.

Languages: english, spanish and catalan.
What can we help you with?
·  Academical difficulties.
·  Specific Learning Disorder (dyslexia, dysgrphia, dyscalculia)
· Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
·  Low academic motivation.
·  Low academic performance.
· Difficulties in planning and organization skills.
·  Atentional difficulties
·  Difficulties with self-control and impulsivity.
·  Study techniques/skills.
· Cognitive stimulation (memory, reasoning and concentration).
·  Academic and professional orientation.
Every situation has infinite ways of feeling.
We will work together to identify and accept everything that hinders your emotional well-being.